
Deli is the world leading manufacture of E-coat equipment, Deli patented designs and technological advancements in electrocoating have revolutionized the industry. From the footprint to the material handing ; from tank construction to the chemical feed, Deli designs systems to specification.

Deli’s customers choose electrocoating because of its versatility and durability. Immersion ensures 100 percent coverage of complex parts, as well as uniform thick-ness with no runs or sags. This in turn ensures superior corrosion protection. Consistent, controlled application nearly eliminates the need for manual touchups.

System components

1.Conveyor system

Continuous conveyor system, hoist conveyor system

2.Pretreatment system

3.E-coating dip tank

4.Liquid stir system


6.Ultrafiltration system

7.Anode system

8.Pure water system

9.Constant temperature system

10.After E-coating clean system

11.Custom Combinations


Deli engineers think outside the box to uniquely design a system, Electrocoating is one of the least expensive finishes available, and is an economical way to paint high volume parts, Electrocoating utilizes 95-99 percent of the coating, making it a green technology.

Practical applications:

Due to its ability to coat complex parts, electrocoating is used as a way to coat a variety of products like transformers, metal office furniture, fixtures, screws, automotive parts and marine components, high density racking and sophisticated material handing for small to very large parts packages sets Deli E-coat systems apart from its competitors.

Cost effectiveness

Deli E-coating systems are equipped with an array of energy conserving features. They are designed to enhance paint circulation without clumping, setting or foaming. Deli systems allow users to maximize trough-put while still achieving an even coat. Deli engineers evaluate your system and standardize components, reducing spare parts requirements and streamlining upkeep .


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